The Exercises in this section cover a range of Upper and Lower Body movements that cover every muscle group in a slow and controlled manner.
They are great as a rehabbing tool as well as bringing out the finer details in certain muscle groups, you also get the added benefit of increased core activation due to the constant resistance and tension from the Cables from start to finish, this is far less present with Free-weights or Machines.
This variation of the Triceps Extension utilises the rope on the Cable Machine and is an excellent way to isolate the Triceps without overloading the wrist or elbow joints.
Standing Rope Extension
This exercise is very simple but super effective at adding some serious intensity to overload your Biceps, without straining the muscle or elbow joint common in Heavy Free-weight alternatives.
Standing Bicep Curls (21's)
This exercise is similar to the Rope Extension, however it will target more of the Upper portion of the Tricep as well as engage more forearm and Shoulders, so don't go too heavy.
Rope Pushdown
All of the variations shown take full focus on the Triceps (Back of the arm) with secondary focus on the wrists, elbows and shoulders to a lesser extent. This particular exercise uses the Cables on a Straight Bar, this takes pressure of the Wrists and Elbows and allows you to fully isolate the Triceps.
Tricep Overhand - Underhand Pushdowns or Pulldowns
Standing Cable Rotations – This exercise targets the Obliques, the muscles that right down the side of your torso, secondary muscles used are the arms, lower back and the legs for stability.
Oblique Twist
Kneeling Rope Crunches – This exercise is both a contracting and stretching exercise with focus on the upper abs, secondary muscles used are the lower abs and lower back.
Kneeling Rope Crunch
Cable Squats Narrow & Wide – These exercises isolate the entire area of the thighs and inner-outer hips with almost no discomfort in the knees or discomfort in the lower back, secondary muscles used are the core and lower back for stability and balance.
Cable Squats
This exercise is a great variation to the conventional RDL as it takes away significant stress from the Lower Back and allows you to hinge with almost no pian. The bar travels forward as opposed to straight down. Muscles worked include the Hamstrings, Glutes, Lower Back and the Back of the Hip, with secondary muscles used Legs and Core for stability, Upper Back, Shoulders and Arms.
Cable RDL
Pad Cable Chest Flyes – This exercise is more of a stretching movement as opposed to contraction only. It’s primary focus is to isolate the Chest and Shoulders, with secondary focus on the forearms, biceps, lower back. Core and legs for stability.
Cable Chest Fly
Bicep Exercise Intro
This is a great Unilateral movement that works one Bicep at a time with constant tension from the Cable, primary focus is placed onto the Bicep, with secondary muscles used forearms, grip, shoulders, legs and core for stability, particularly the Obliques.
One Arm Standing Cable Bicep Curl
Shoulder Exercises Intro
Tricep Exercises Intro
All of the variations shown take full focus on the Triceps (Back of the arm) with secondary focus on the wrists, elbows and shoulders to a lesser extent. This particular exercise uses the Cables on a handle for single arm use, this takes pressure of the Wrists and Elbows and allows you to fully isolate the Triceps.
Tricep Pushdown - Pulldown Unilateral Variation Intro
Standing Upright Rows – This exercise isolates the Upper Back (Trap) muscles with secondary focus on the forearms, wrists and core for stability.
Upright Row
Front Raises – This exercise fully isolates the Front Delts with secondary focus on the Traps, Neck, Forearms and Biceps.
Front Raise
All of the variations shown take full focus on the Triceps (Back of the arm) with secondary focus on the wrists, elbows and shoulders to a lesser extent. This particular exercise uses the Cables on a handle for single arm use, this takes pressure of the Wrists and Elbows and allows you to fully isolate the Triceps.
Tricep Pushdown - Pulldown Unilateral Variation
Standing Rope Face Pulls – This exercises isolated the Rear Delts (back of the Shoulders) with secondary focus on the Traps, Forearms- Biceps, and Lower Back, Core and Legs for stability.
Standing Rope Face Pull