The Barbell like the Dumbbell is a Free-weight movement and therefore puts more stress onto the body, this is great for increasing density of the bones, stronger and healthier joints, boosting your natural hormones and overall strength and power.

However, if you are injured or have significant weak areas some of the exercises will not work for you or will take time to build up to, therefore approach each with caution as technique and form are the most important factors here, not wright, intensity or volume!

Seated Good Mornings – This exercise is a great movement to build up both flexibility and strength within the lower back and the outer-inner hips. A very good tried and tested Rehab movement.
Seated Goodmorning
Rack Pulls – This exercise is a great alternative to the conventional Deadlift and will significantly reduce the risk of injury to your lower back due to the higher bar set up. Primary muscles used are the hips, legs and arms, secondary muscles used are the lower back- upper back and core.
Rack Pulls
RDL’s Conventional – These 2 variations hit the Hamstrings and the Back of the Hips extremely well with a much heavier load then other types of RDL’s, secondary muscles used are the arms, shoulders, legs and lower back to a lesser extent.
RDL’s Variation – These 2 variations hit the Hamstrings and the Back of the Hips extremely well with a much heavier load then other types of RDL’s, secondary muscles used are the arms, shoulders, legs and lower back to a lesser extent.
RDL Variation
Military Press – This exercise works the Shoulders and Upper body extremely well, with secondary muscles used legs for stability, core- lower back, wrists and the upper back-neck.
Military Press
Landmine Press Standing and Kneeling – This exercise is a speed and power movement isolating the Shoulders, Triceps and Core for stability, secondary muscles used are the legs, lower back, wrists, elbows and upper back.
Landmine Press
Deadlifts – This exercise is very similar to the Back Squat in the sense it is a Total Body and Multi-joint movement. It is a fantastic way to build serious strength and durability within your body with primary focus being on the Lower and Upper Back, with secondary focus on the hips, calves, shoulders and arms.
Bench Press – This exercise is considered the best Upper Body Strength movement with significant stress and load put onto the Chest, Triceps and Shoulders, secondary muscles used are the upper back-lats, legs for power through the floor as well as stability and elbows-wrists.
Bench Press
This total body movement is considered the Granddad of all Strength compound movements and will work your entire body to its core, skeleton, joints, muscles and nervous system. Primary muscles used are the Quadriceps, Glutes and Hamstrings, secondary muscles Hips, Calves, Core, the entire Back, and so on.
Barbell Back Squat
T-Bar Rows – This exercise hits the middle of the Back as well as the lats and lower back, secondary muscles used are the legs and core for stability, shoulders, biceps and forearms.
Free Weight T-Bar Row